Michelle Armas

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Michelle Armas

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Decatur, Georgia

Michelle has been painting and making things always. Her dad supplied her with endless paper and pencils and paints. He encouraged her by teaching her how to use oil paints and pastels. Her mother is also a talented seamstress and from her she learned to keep trying until you know your piece is perfect.

"I owe my creative upbringing in muggy Texas surrounded by my vibrant Spanish family for cultivating a love of composing colorful art. I live a simple life with my beautiful daughter and (very handsome) husband in Atlanta where I am surrounded by artists and makers of every description. I feel very fortunate to live in the south where the people are truly as friendly as you have heard and the pace of life is just a bit slower."

She has a graduate degree in Graphic Design from the Portfolio Center here in Atlanta. After school she was thrilled to land her dream job working at Landor in New York. After a short time though she realized that she needed more spontaneous creativity in her life so she began creating intricate oil paintings in the evenings and weekends. Soon those paintings began to sell and gain attention and once she moved back to Atlanta she began to work full time as an artist. Her studio is located in Decatur, Georgia.

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