Public Art

Public art services

Roosevelt library mural

Your need

Public art can create a impactful moment in your neighborhood and community. Whether you are interested in a mural (indoor or outdoor), sculpture, or a temporary piece to highlight an event, we have the resources and expertise to guide you through the project.
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Our process

You may be interested in public art for a lot of reasons—no matter the reason, we can help you find or create a piece that is specific to your needs. We have helped businesses, cities, and individuals create an impact in their community through art.
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Greets from Des Moines mural


We offer a wide range of services to meet your specific art need.

Commissioned Murals

We help you create a mural (interior or exterior) specific to your building from A to Z. We start with the RFP process and take you through until a mural is complete on your wall.


We can help you find an outdoor or indoor sculpture that fits your space and style.

Temporary Public Art

Sometimes a permanent piece is not needed. We help you create artwork that is mobile, temporary or event-specific.

Commission Custom Artwork

Sometimes a custom piece is the perfect way to represent your unique space and personality. We help to pair you with an artist and work through the process with you until the piece is installed.

We love talking art.

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