Blog Post

Cohesive pairings

  • By Liz Lidgett
  • 26 May, 2020
One of the main questions we receive the most is, “How do I expand my collection with different artists and still have it go together?” I made a little IGTV video in my own home during quarantine to show my most recent purchase and what I consider when I am adding new works to my collection.

But here’s the TLDR version; first, I think it’s okay if a collection of artwork doesn’t “go” together—buy what you love. Second, if you really do want it to feel cohesive then follow the idea that artwork in the same room can share some of the same colors, shapes, patterns, or even just framing. Having something in common from piece to piece will help a collection in the same room feel cohesive.

I’ve also put together a few different pairings that I think look beautiful together.

Taelor Fisher, Collect and Gather, Oil and natural pigment on canvas, 60 x 48 in, $4320 ($432/mo)
Taelor Fisher, Collect and Gather, Oil and natural pigment on canvas, 60 x 48 in, $4320 ($432/mo)

Taelor Fisher, Collect and Gather and Lino Lago, Fake Abstract (Ingres)

Lino Lago, Fake Abstract (Ingres), Oil on canvas, 28 x 24 in, $4000 ($400/mo)
Lino Lago, Fake Abstract (Ingres), Oil on canvas, 28 x 24 in, $4000 ($400/mo)
I would love to see these two paired in a preppy room full of light blues and ginger jars. Here their common denominator, of course, is that perfect shade of pink. They also are representational but share the fact that neither are a straight forward still-life or portrait. Each artist has their own unique take on the genre and they would like beautiful paired in the same room.
Marcy Cook, Red, Mixed Media, 48 x 40 in, $3200 ($320/mo)
Marcy Cook, Red, Mixed Media, 48 x 40 in, $3200 ($320/mo)

Marcy Cook, Red and Andrea Ferrigno, Circulation

Andrea Ferrigno, Circulation, Drawing on Paper, 50 x 38.50 in, $3200 ($320/mo)
Andrea Ferrigno, Circulation, Drawing on Paper, 50 x 38.50 in, $3200 ($320/mo)
Again, these two share a common color with that bold red but are two completely different styles. Don’t be afraid to pair an abstract with a beautiful floral piece in the same vicinity. The colors work together but it’s more than that. Andrea’s energetic style compliments Marcy’s organic floral mixed media bouquets.
Allison James, Downtown/Down Right, Acrylic, oil stick, spray paint, color stick, wax pencil on paper, 24 x 18 in, $400

Allison James, Downtown/Down Right and Rachel Walter, Blue Sky and Elisa Sheehan, Indigo Cluster

Rachel Walter, Blue Sky 5, Oil on canvas, 12 x 12 x 3 in, $300
Now, let’s look at a cluster of 3 small works that give you the impact of a large piece without the price tag. Here we have a variety of mediums that are cohesive through color, mixed media and movement of the artwork. The clusters of eggshells, groupings of clouds, and patterns in Allison’s piece all keep your eyes moving throughout the artworks.
Elisa Sheehan, Indigo Cluster 9, Eggshells, paint, ink, gold metal leaf, 6.50 x 6.50 in, $350
And finally, let’s look at the current gallery wall we have installed. You have over 15 artists represented in this gallery wall and yet it feels cohesive thanks to similar colors, patterns, media, and framing. Keeping the framing to three or fewer types of framing is a simple way to make a large grouping of artwork to stay united even though there are several types of artwork and artists represented.
Artwork can be paired in a variety of ways even if the only common denominator is your love of each piece. Growing a collection that builds a “conversation” with the artwork around it can happen through many different factors—framing, media, color, energy, movement, pattern or style. We curate work and artists throughout our roster who have work that compliment each other well so that each year you can come back to our gallery and find a new work to fall in love with that will work perfectly in your collection.
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