We had the pleasure of meeting Angela Chrusciaki Blehm last week. Up until Wednesday, we had only talked via email and over the phone. She flew into Des Moines from Georgia to present her Pop Wow solo show at the gallery on Friday, July 19.
It's a privilege to call Angela a friend — it was a special opportunity to spend time with her as we prepared for the opening reception together. It was such a joy to get to know her. She’s an amazing artist. Her work is bright, bold and powerful. Best known for her black and white ribbons, her Pop Wow collection includes a colorful twist on the ribbons and more abstract canvas artwork. Let us know if you'd like to see the list of pieces still available to purchase. During a Facebook live, Liz suggested a few pieces that make a great start to a collection if you currently don't own any original artwork.
Q: Tell us about your creativity process and how has it grown/changed?
A: I have found the ideas flow from just getting in and doing work, whether I’m inspired or not. I used to wait for some kind of lightbulb moment—they happen—but I don’t rely on them. Working with my hands in the studio breeds ideas, some better than others, but all ideas produce something valuable to take moving forward.
Q: What inspirations have come into your latest works and palettes?
A: I continue to be influenced by the female experience. I am infatuated with female traditions, stereotypes, and myths. Also, design, architecture, and my love affair with color influence me daily.
Q: When was the first time a work of art affected you? What was it?
A: I don’t remember one specific piece—but I know I was always aware of the art and design around me growing up. The last piece that really elicited a strong reaction from me was the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona. Upon entry, I burst into tears and couldn’t stop crying from what my eyes were taking in.
Q: Other than the genre you work in; what other types of art do you most enjoy?
A: I do love some good realism ... and I follow some amazing contemporary realists. But I'd say my heart belongs to American 20th-century art in general.
Q: Do you have a favorite quote, or a phrase you think about often?
A: Works with Eager Hands from Proverbs 31:13 ... I relate, ha! The Proverbs woman overall seems unobtainable but I love that she has her hands in lots of projects. I love to be busy, for better or worse.
Q: Do you personally collect, and if so what and why?
A: I just started collecting in recent years—talk about an addiction! Once you start filling your home with original art, good luck stopping. I love surrounding myself with art that inspires me and captures a moment in history stylistically or color wise—like pieces in our collection from the mid 20th-century or the 80s. I gravitate to art with color and a sense of joy.
Q: What would be in your ideal art collection?
A: If we’re talking wish list, I’d love a Laura Owens. Overall, I love a mix of vintage art and contemporary art—there is a beauty and curiosity that I feel can’t be achieved in collecting just one type of art. I like to also vary scale, line/marks, medium and subject matter.
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