I had the pleasure of being able to chat with Roma over email about some of her practices and inspiration and I can't wait for all of you to get to know the amazing
Roma Osowo!
I first considered myself an artist in June of 2017
For those of you who are Roma experts you know that this is six months after she came out of her twelve year painting hiatus. She felt it was coming back to her first love and there was a fire lit in her soul that she could not ignore. She and her husband prayed for her career to be revealed to her and their prayers were answered.
Patterns in nature, colorful infrastructures and conversations with other creatives always inspire me.
I do a bit of of both, it really just depends on the piece. Some pieces emerge from a concept or an idea that was sparked by some type inspiration, while other pieces begin with no plan, but takes shape based on me responding to each layer with what I feel the piece needs.
A few years ago I did sketch out ideas in a traditional paper sketchbook, but for the past couple of years, I’ve transitioned into sketching out ideas in a drawing app on my phone called Procreate (pocket.) Since using the app, I’ve been able to sketch out ideas at anytime I am inspired.
1. Figure out what you love and are drawn to and do more of it.
2. Only do what feels authentic to you.
3. Trust yourself and your choices while creating.
4. Always begin each painting session with play and experimentation.