Why is it important, to you, to have art in your space?
JH: Art in my home is the cherry-on-top and more important than paint colors or fabric. When I dress, I prefer accessories to the garments—art is the ultimate accessory. The right piece can literally change the way that I feel. I want art to stop me in my tracks to admire it.
What drew you to Angela Chrusciaki Blehm’s artwork?
JH: Blehm’s piece
makes my imagination run wild. The large scale of the painting and use of positive and negative space gets my attention and the legs stir something within me. Is it my leg with the blue shoe? Is one male? Are they falling? Are they flirting? Do the two legs belong to same person, representing two different roles in life? My opinion changes often.
LL: When did you start collecting original artwork?
JH: My mother collected art and had a beautiful collection. She taught me that art should not match a room and collection should only be things you love, not just to fill a wall. She encouraged me to hang things untraditionally and to study the artists.
What would be in your ideal art collection? Or, what artists are on your collector’s “wish list”?
JH: I don’t have a next piece in mind or a wish list—it’s more of an, "I see it and if I’m still thinking about it days later, I inquire." It's the feeling I get when I see "the one" and just know.